Our Services
Education for children
Our project is inclusive of providing Residential Education for the underprivileged Children with 24/7 medical care. We are committed to give Quality Education, which empowers an individual to earn his / her livelihood as a responsible citizen.
Better nutrition for deprived
Our Project seeks to fulfill this last kind of hunger that has a long-standing impact on those deprived. Better nutrition is related to improved infant, child, and maternal health, stronger immune systems, safer pregnancy and childbirth, and lower risk of non-communicable diseases.
Institutional care for children
Children who have been out of home for a long duration of have certain behavioral issues such as habitually running away from home, aggressive attitude, history of substance abuse, etc. need a more intensive intervention. For such children, Grace Foundation helps them to undergo residential Home Orientation Camp and meanwhile their families are traced and parents are told about the behavioral changes.
Community Based Care
They undergo a bridge course at the Community Learning Centre wherein they receive value education, socio-cultural formation, and psychophysical development. awareness about the skilled job opportunities or self-employment for financial stability of families of these children/youth